
IT Transformation?

With the never-ending cycle of technology evolution and the ever-increasing depreciation of older technology from manufacturers, it is not uncommon to see design solutions and hardware outdated within a few years, if not months. Coupled with the ever-increasing cost of network and cyber-security hardware, software and licensing models - it is not surprising that many companies are sweating assets beyond their original ROI.

Virtualisation and automation can help reduce CAPEX and OPEX costs. SDN technology can increase work productivity and improve network performance. Virtualised control and management planes, placed within a secure environment - where all changes are fully audited within a single pane of glass - provisions excellent security posture.

IFTTT IoT can provide creativity and enablement.

Where IT Transformation can help with audits…

From an audit perspective - you could ask: ‘ Does the existing infrastructure, provide the correct security posture - to pass any upcoming audit? ‘

One must remember that audit security standards (PCI DSS, ISO etc.) follow the development pathways of new security models (such as stronger SSL encryption) that arise. It is true to say, audits are very much dynamic in terms of being updated over the course, where standards reflect newer technology.

For example, an audit pass in year one, may fail in year three, if the same infrastructure and configurations have not evolved in line with newer security standards.

Transformation simplifies audits. In every way possible: Move away from the complexity of managing multiple physical devices that utilise separate control and management planes, where network and security devices have insecure logical placement and weak security posture.  


Consultancy and Design


Audit Compliance Preparation